The honeymoon

The honeymoon. Well, sort of… My mate Cairie, her sister Joce and partner Tim and a number of other Canuckians had planned a trip to Mexico before we had even thought about setting a date for our wedding so they unfortunately couldn’t make it to our side of Mexico for the event.

So we took the honeymoon to them!

The reception

The reception. Again, what to say? We were led to the venue by our Mariachi band, a three block walk along cobblestone streets – being congratulated by the neighbours, passers-by, and a busload of locals. Super fun.

Our Mexican wedding

The wedding. What to say? We were surrounded by love, beauty, amazing new and old friends and family. We danced, we laughed, we sang and we cried. It was perfect.

The wedding party gathers…

On the Thursday before the wedding our wedding party arrived. We did all the things you do before marriage, rehearsed, cleaned the pool, played caps, you know, the usual.

Pre-wedding trip to Tapalpa

Phillip & I decided a pre-wedding trip to the mountains was in order – a honeymoon before the fact sorta thing. We hired Ricardo – an amazing driver – to take us to the historic town of Tapalpa – located in the southern region of the state of Jalisco. [Wikipedia] We stayed in Los Cabanas … Read more

Compleanos Mariachi!!!

7.00am. Sound asleep. Sudden trumpet and guitar music. RIGHT OUTSIDE THE BEDROOM WINDOW. I say to Phillip “It sounds like they’re right here!”. Response: “They are. Happy Birthday!” I leap out of bed and look out the bedroom window. In my nightie. And there they were. Six guys. Three trumpets. Three guitars. All singing a … Read more